Denis Lobachev

Denis Lobachev is a Cancer born in the year of the Dog. Sincere, open-hearted, hard-working and absolutely modest. He is faithful in friendship and if you are lucky to call him your friend you can rely on him whatever complicated your trouble is. Whatever he gets down to, whatever he does he aspires to get to the top of art and get to the essence of things.
The fact that playing the bayan would become the occupation of his life Denis understood in his childhood. He preferred playing the instrument to playing with his friends, trying to get performing perfection what sometimes made his parents troubled. His diligence and hard work helped him to become proficient in playing his favourite instrument and to acquire the ability to achieve aims. – A lucky guy! – that’s what people say about him.

  • Music for me is not just a hobby, it’s my life. It’s always challenging and sets up new aims for self-development.
The favourite phrase after the concert – The feelings have been nice today!